Legacy Software Modernisation and Migration Services

Legacy software modernisation done cautiously for your business

Oreon has proven experience in turning legacy systems into Modern assets for your business, so there’s no better team to combine your processes, capabilities, tools, modern web technologies and programming languages.

Legacy Software Modernisation and Migration Services

If you’ve had an IT system in place for a number of years, chances are you’re working with outdated and legacy software. Software changes frequently, meaning it’s only a matter of time before a cutting-edge system becomes a legacy system and then an outdated one. Even software that receives regular updates can still end up out of sync with other components in your system. Inevitably this leads to performance and maintainability issues. If this sounds familiar, our legacy software modernisation consultancy is the one you are in need of.
Types of Legacy System Modernisation and Migration Processes
Benefits And Handicaps of Legacy System Modernisation and Migration

Benefits of Legacy Modernisation and Migration

Legacy software modernisation service helps to provide solutions to the following issues that companies may face with their legacy systems in their business:
• Due to knowledge of old tech stack, maintenance and operation costs are mostly too high
• Legacy applications are incompatible with modern systems and cloud architectures.
• The legacy systems do not provide the flexibility and scalability that modern software systems provide.
• Most legacy applications have serious security issues due to updates or end of support of dependencies.
• It’s hard, expensive, or nearly impossible to implement new features
• Most legacy applications are slow, crashes regularly, or randomly and it is mostly impossible to touch the codebase and fix the issues.
• No more support provided by the owner of the legacy system

OREON'S legacy software modernisation Service

Our team will work alongside you to update your existing software so that it does exactly what you need it to do. The emphasis is on a turnkey solution that gives you the results you want through tweaking what’s already there, rather than stripping it all out and starting again. We believe software modernisation also provides the opportunity to add in fresh coding and modern software solutions (UI and/or UX development), adding additional value to your system. Often completed along with data migration from legacy database systems in addition to re-designing and re-scoping of the legacy system architecture. The legacy modernisation process is a chance to rethink how your systems operate, preparing them for effective, 21st-century use.

Oreon's Legacy Software and System Migration/Modernisation Process

Our Legacy Application modernisation Solutions

The application discovery stage helps to inspect the problems that a company has with its legacy system and develop a plan for legacy migration. Legacy systems modernisation process might be variant depending on the initial inspection of the application and our suggestions for further actions in addition to potential risks of the transformation/migration process

Application refactoring

Requires modernisation and optimisation of the existing code base without much changing the external and internal behavior of the app. Legacy refactoring process consists of updating the legacy application libraries and dependencies.

UI/UX improvements and front-end modernisation

This process consists of modernisation of the user interfaces and interactions for better handling in addition to front-end tech stack upgrades.

Application Re-architecting

Migration of the legacy application by rearchitecting to better benefit from the capabilities of modern application platforms and fixing the issues with the current architecture.

Rebuilding the legacy application

Recreating the legacy system and its components from scratch with a modern tech stack.

Replatforming of the legacy system

Requires the migration the legacy system to modern and more effective technology platforms


Oreon applies the general guidelines and best practices of software development standards and methodologies. We’re confident we will provide the best results for your development project.

The way we deal with our clients has been improved and optimised to guarantee we get the best results every time.